The Global Village

I was just reading/watching the article from CBC and I found the second video really interesting. Although the date is not given, I’m going to assume it’s from the 60s. In this video Marshall McLuhan talks about a ‘global village’ and I’m astonished that even 40 or so years ago, people were aware of the difference that television was making in the world. Of course today we now have digital tv, tivo’s, cell phones and the internet – which only makes the idea of a global village even more important. McLuhan talks about the rise of television and the immense impact it has on the world. I can’t possibly imagine what he would he would think today! We no longer have to wait until 6:00 for the news. We can watch it whenever we want online or change the channel to CNN and watch the ticker at the bottom. We can even watch the news on our cell phones. It’s a very different world and even a different Global Village than what McLuhan though 40ish years ago.

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