Like, what-ever!

I’m a little late on my post this week, but it’s been a bit helter skelter for me lately. This semester is for whatever reason, starting out hardcore. I wish I could say it dies down eventually… but it doesn’t. At least I only have 1 final though! woo!

The topic I really would like to address from class is one of the ’20 reasons to study mass communication’. In particular, the reason that it affects the way we communicate. As I mentioned in my first post my favourite movie is Clueless. I know that sounds lame, but besides it being fantastically entertaining in a completely mindless sort of way, it really defined a generation. The term “whatever” really didn’t start until that movie – at least not on a total North American level. I find it really interesting how much that movie affected the way in which we talk to each other (clearly, I’m a sociology major and have been since birth). I remember watching Clueless when i was 11 or 12 and thinking “ohmigod, who the hell has a cellphone in high school?!?!”. And now everyone does. I got off topic again. Never fails.

I think media is also so important to study is because you really can’t get away from it. It’s embedded in every aspect of everything we do everyday of every year. You can watch tv on your cellphones and have GPS systems in your cars instead a plain old paper map. You can’t go anywhere in a westernized nation without encountering some form of technology and media outlet. It’s everywhere!

1 Comment

  1. Rachyj said,

    January 22, 2007 at 1:22 pm

    I completly agree with you on how media is everything that we do. As for the movie clueless and the word “whatever”, I remember in junior high that being the thing to say. My mom would ask me to do something and I would say “whatever mom”… (she did not like that very much!)
    As for the cell phone thing I could not agree more… I was in safeway the other day and I saw a little girl who could not have been more then 10 years old with a cell phone (that was nicer then mine!).
    When you said that we can not get away from media I could not agree more! This class would not even be happeneing or it least not that way that it is without media. Without the media I probably would not have a laptop to do this class because I would not have heard about it without the advertising! Media has some shape everywhere we go in today’s society!

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